More than a pattern - Choppy Midnight – CANSUXI
What do you feel when you see these shapes? Does it only remind you of summer, a beach, a breezy night with the touch of the refreshing waves? Like a full moon shining on a gloomy night, you will fall in love with this pattern in the very first second.

Well, this refreshing pattern of Cansuxi symbolizes more than what it seems like. As one of the main inspiration sources behind the design process of our brand, cultural connectivity and using the marks of different groups of people around the world means to celebrate and to understand those societies’ way of living. As Cansuxi, it’s important to realize this synergy and embrace what is happening around the world, with love and compassion. Like we always say, there is no room for taboos, sharp edges, or strict rules here. We accept, empathize, and love the external flow of the world even though we don’t understand everything about it all the time.

As a fashion brand, we wanted to express this side of our personality by reflecting it on our products, for the ones who share the same mentality and values with us.

Cansuxi proudly presents one of its signature patterns; Choppy Midnight. We imagined this item as a small celebration of the mesmerizing Asian cultures that are always in close contact with the sea, nature, and other magical gifts of mother earth.Their rituals, commitment to their culture, and traditions have always impressed and inspired us while creating the Choppy Midnight Pattern. We wanted our people to feel this appreciation and the connection with the sea, wherever they are and whenever they want. Even if it’s not possible to be around the sea. Constant connection with nature, with a sign of Asian breeze.

It’s fascinating to realize the limitless possibilities and be able to carry them on one’s body. Combined with our signature fabric named Cupro, which is a sustainable one that is produced from recycled cotton or cellulose, it’s the perfect combination to show appreciation towards nature without forgetting the cultural effect of those far East societies.

We haven’t finished yet, come join us and be a part of this discovery and express your feelings, curiosities, and perspectives about the world with us. There is more to come, don’t wait too long to start this enlightening journey. Cansuxi is waiting for you to create, learn and evolve all together.